The World Education Fellowship was founded in 1921 as the New Education Fellowship by a small group of progressive educationists and liberal thinkers, including Beatrice Ensor, who were heavily involved with the British Theosophical Society and the Theosophical Educational Trust.
The organization grew into a national and then international organization, with an international head-quarters in London and local sections in many countries worldwide. It was re-named the World Education Fellowship in 1966.
Although the Fellowship has embraced a wide range of individual philosophies and faiths, the central focus has been on interfaith child-centered education, social reform through education, democracy, world citizenship, international understanding and the promulgation of world peace.
Many famous thinkers and educationists have been involved with the Fellowship and it has forged close links with academic institutions, including the Institute of Education, University of London, and with international organisations, especially UNESCO.
An English Section of the Fellowship was founded in 1927 and has included amongst its prominent members, Sir Michael Sadler, Sir Percy Nunn, Sir Fred Clarke, R.H. Tawney and J.A. Lauwerys. The English Section was also instrumental in the establishment of the Home and School Council and the English Association of New Schools.
WEF established a South African chapter in the year 2000 called World Education Fellowship South Africa (W.E.F.S.A.)
The purpose of this written communication is to
illustrate the context of the World Education Fellowship in South Africa
(WEFSA) and its background as a recognized World Education Fellowship (WEF)
section / chapter and as a result, its association with implementing UNESCO and
UN regional strategic objectives
The World Education
Fellowship in South Africa (WEFSA) and its Youth Forum (WEFSAYF), founded in
2001 at the 41st WEF International Conference at Sun City, South Africa, is a
recognized WEF chapter. It is an emerging NGO-associated organization that has
its international address located at the physical, postal, telephonic and
electronic addresses for S.T.A.L.K. Education.
The World Education Fellowship’s South African Chapter (WEFSA) together with its associated Youth Forum (WEFSAYF) was established as a catalyst of change with a strong link to global and local Southern African Development Community (SADC) development initiatives and strategic objectives. WEFSA’s purpose is locally defined to identify and support excellence in developing and engage keystone species within education organizations and community development structures, who can assist (in a home-grown, formal and informal fashion) with the development of an ecology of practice, in the professional development of educational, interfaith and multicultural leaders, managers, facilitators and practitioners within the nodes identified by the South African National Departments of Education and Labour, as well as, those identified by UNESCO and the UN.
In WEFSA Youth Forum, projects and programs are initiated and supported to integrate, recognize, and empower learners of different faiths and cultures in a common learning experience in order to remove biases and misconceptions that separate common humanitarian values providing an inner foundational framework of commonly shared values and principles.
Ezemvelo Eco Solutions offers business
opportunities to a number of sectors through its subsidiaries and implements a
framework of a structured and quality assured approach to a number of
integrated products and services that support development, change management
and organisational strategic development solutions using a variety of current
business and development models
Develop human resources, organisations and sectoral communities with the necessary skills to improve their socio-economic status in order to stimulate innovation and creativity for growth in emerging economic sectors and the provision of new products and services. Provide products and services to meet the needs amongst clients for business sustainability.
Develop Human Resources in low, medium and high level skills areas enabling entrepreneurial development of SMME’s through supporting the production and markets of goods and services in scarce skills sectors: Education, Training and Development, Agriculture, Science and Technology, Engineering, Construction, Services, Tourism, Hospitality, Transport, Health and Welfare, Business, Performance Art, Media, Advertising and Publishing.
Our primary offering is the provision of solutions to provide purified water sources at affordable rates to communities. Click Here
Sparkle Child & Youth Development is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO/NPO) committing itself to quality interfaith, multi-cultural, education, training and community development for change and empowerment. SPARKLE allows children to have a place for after school care and education support services to be free to do their school educational studies, with the help of caregivers, community volunteers and school teachers. We also provide our youth (School drop-outs and school leavers) a good education by allowing them to complete their schooling studies.
To assist our youth with governmental education and training courses, this can be available to them and empower them socially. We also create job opportunities through job creation initiative programmes.
The primary purpose of education today is to help all of us to grow as self-respecting, sensitive, confident well-informed, competent and responsible individuals in society and in the world community.
People develop these qualities when they live in mutually supportive environments where sharing purposes and problems generate friendliness, commitment and cooperation.
Schools should aim to be interfaith multicultural communities of this kind. Learners should, as early as possible in association with, and support from others to take responsibility for the management of their own education in association with and support from others. They should be helped to achieve both local involvement and a global perspective.
High achievement is best obtained by mobilizing personal motivation and creativity within a context of open access to a variety of learning opportunities. One should aim to describe personal achievement and promote self-esteem. https://sparklecyd.co.za/
The Dare to Care Initiative aims support and assists families who are battling to make ends meet through a Food Drive programme. Dare to care also have a clothing drive whereby they provide clothing for the needy, communities and squatter camps. The Dare to Care Interfaith Multicultural Initiative’s objective is based solely for the aid of communities where there is a dire need for change and unity. The Initiative’s outreach goes into communities which include Westbury, Newclare, Claremont, Coronationville, Eldorado Park, Langlaagte, Ennerdale and Newlands. All these areas have been affected especially since covid19 hit our shores leaving families destitute